Our partners

Auf dem Foto strecken verschiedene Leute ihren Arm in die Höhe und sich alle gemeinsam abzuklatschen.

We work so close together with Holzapfel + Konsorten KG, that the next logic step was new company as one. Thanks to the long specialized knowledge and expertise, we can develop and implement innovative solutions together to create the best possible result for you. The patent and trademark rights for the GOLDGRUBE® are among others here.

Standards Committee

We are also part of a DIN committee that deals with issues relating to waterless toilets. The committee for this is called “resource-oriented sanitary systems without water as a transport medium” and has also co-authored DIN 30762, among other things. Our aim is to create national and international standards in order to ensure the consistent quality of toilets.

We have established a cooperation with both Munich University of Applied Sciences and Hof University of Applied Sciences.

At Hof University of Applied Sciences, we are working together with the Institute for Hydrogen and Energy Technology. This involves considering how, for example, a hospital or radiology practice can collect and recover contrast media. In this way, wastewater treatment plants are relieved and valuable elements are kept in a cycle.

Munich University of Applied Sciences offers a practical course at the Faculty of Applied Sciences and Mechatronics every winter semester. This is run by various chairs and also partly in cooperation with local companies. Students learn about project and team work and gain initial experience with budgets. In the winter semester 2023/24, two teams developed various fill level sensors for the urine tank of the GOLDGRUBE® with a database.

From March 22 to 24, 2023, the second UN Water Conference was held at the Headquarters in New York. The aim of the conference was to take an intermediate stock of the UN Water Decade. A big part was the implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, in particular Goal 6 “Clean Water and Sanitation”. It also identified ways to accelerate the implementation of these goals by creating a Water Action Agenda. The agenda brings together voluntary commitments and proposals to take actions and measures from a variety of stakeholders. These include national governments, inter- and multilateral organizations, as well as civil society players.

We have also joined here and are now partners. As we submitted a commitment and will do our part to improve and fulfill SDGs 2,3, 6, 7, 8, 9, 11, 12 and 14. Of course, our main focus is on Goal 6, but we can also support the other goals in various ways.