Water: The crucial role


Water plays a crucial role in the human body, making up 50-65% of an adult’s body weight and 70-80% of an infant’s. It is essential for forming cells and tissues, maintaining fluid balance, dissolving nutrients, and regulating body temperature through sweating. Additionally, water aids in digestion by allowing fiber to swell and acts as a transport medium for waste removal, with kidneys filtering around 1700 liters of blood daily.

A healthy adult loses about 2-3 liters of body fluid per day, which must be replenished through food and drink. Consistent hydration throughout the day is important, as water loss peaks the day after fluid loss occurs. Thirst is often mistaken for hunger, leading to overeating.

To maintain optimal hydration, it is advised to drink regularly and not just compensate for fluid loss at the end of the day. Proper hydration supports essential metabolic processes and overall health, making it vital to drink enough water daily.

Stay hydrated, especially in these hot days!

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Source: https://www.tk.de/techniker/magazin/ernaehrung/trinken/ohne-wasser-laeuft-nichts-2004780?tkcm=aaus

Photo: https://www.pexels.com/de-de/foto/frau-im-weissen-hemd-das-wasser-aus-klarem-glas-mit-geschlossenen-augen-trinkt-3830856/
