Our toilet: Wildniswerkstatt Düttling


Today, we’re thrilled to unveil another gem from our collection: the toilets at “Wildniswerkstatt Düttling”! ?️ Situated within the serene beauty of the Nationalpark Eifel, this modern marvel offers more than just a place to answer nature’s call. ?

? Featuring two individual cabins, each meticulously crafted for wheelchair accessibility, our toilets ensure everyone feels welcome. With toilet and urinal facilities, along with convenient handwashing opportunities, we prioritize comfort and hygiene. ? Powered by solar energy, our toilets shine brightly day and night, providing essential light and ventilation.

But the magic doesn’t stop there! ? Connected to a spacious lawn, our toilets offer a gateway to unforgettable experiences, whether it’s a captivating presentation or a cozy camping adventure under the stars. ?️ Since their inception in 2010, they’ve been an integral part of the Wildniswerkstatt Düttling.

? Surrounded by the lush landscapes of the Nationalpark Eifel, visitors immerse themselves in nature’s bounty, from rare species like the Black Stork, Eagle Owl, to the elusive Wildcat. ?? With barrier-free access to guided hikes, immersive exhibitions, and even a Star Park, there’s something for everyone to enjoy.

? Schools from bustling cities like Cologne and Düsseldorf journey to explore the wonders of the forest. Some students will visit a forest for the first time. ? And amidst this tapestry of life, our waterless toilets stand as a beacon of convenience, ensuring that every outdoor event is not just memorable but also sustainable. ?✨

If you’re eager to learn more about modern toilets and sustainable solutions, get connected and join us for a better resource use! ??

Source: https://www.nationalpark-eifel.de/de/infohaeuser-und-einrichtungen/wildniswerkstatt-duettling/

