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Fast Fact Friday
Flo Wackermann

100 hectare “wilderness area”

100 hectare “wilderness area” teaches about forest wildlife. By the way, the Wildniswerkstatt Düttling in the Eifel national park in western Germany invites school classes

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Fast Fact Friday

4 million for new toilets

4 million will be invested for toilets that can be used by women in Amsterdam. By the way, Amsterdam does have public toilets, just that

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Fast Fact Friday

Urban Wastewater Treatment Directive

“KARL” stands for “Kommunale AbwasserRichtLinie” or in English Urban Wastewater Treatment Directive. By the way, this directive is or 30 years old and was just

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Fast Fact Friday

Citizens of Lima

10 million people live in Lima, the capital of Peru. By the way, that is one third of the population of Peru and more people

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Fast Fact Friday

Humans settle around Landersdorf

5,000 years ago first humans settled around Landersdorf.  By the way, that’s the time when people started building houses and growing crops in Bavaria. People also used toilets at the time and

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Fast Fact Friday

Water leaks in Mexico City

1,000 liters of water per second are lost in the leaks of Mexico City.The city is struggling with water shortages which are aggravated by an

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Fast Fact Friday

World Water Day

WWD – Today is World Water Day!  By the way, the 22nd of march is world water day since 1993 and since 2003, it is organized by UN-Water. Source: 

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Fast Fact Friday

Bore wells dried up in Bengaluru

3,000 bore wells in the city of Bengaluru have dried up.   By the way, 223 out of 236 talukas (counties) are affected by the drought. Source:

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Fast Fact Friday


1496 was the first mention of today’s “Papststein”.  By the way, this rocky gorge in Saxon Switzerland offers a beautiful view and is accessible for hikers since 1780. Are you ready

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Fast Fact Friday

Drought in Mexico City

90% of Mexico City is affected by a severe drought. By the way, Mexico City itself is the largest city in North America with 9.2

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Fast Fact Friday

Potassium output per year

1,33 kg of potassium (K) is what our personal average output per year.  By the way, most of the K is in our urine (75%) compared to only about 25% in our feces. Therefore urine-diverting toilets

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Fast Fact Friday

Global risk report 2024

1,400 global risk experts shared their outlook on the risks in 2 and 10 years.  By the way, “natural resources shortage” is the 4th most likely risk for the 10 year period to come. At

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