At the beginning of June one of the biggest and leading trade fairs for water, sewage, waste and raw materials management in the world took place. Its name is IFAT (Internationale Fachmesse für Abwassertechnik) and is held in Munich every two years. The focus of this fair lies on all kinds of solutions to future challenges around water, sewage and waste for private firms, municipal utility companies, associations, universities, and other players in the field. It started back in September 1966 and has now seven affiliated fairs around the world.
This year around 120.000 people from over 150 countries came to Munich to interact with almost 3.000 exhibitors. The newest technologies around all those environmental fields were displayed. Linked to the exhibition, there was a side program with a lot of special events, such as the Sustainable Awards or the DWA Water Skill Germany championship.
As a young start-up in this field, we wanted to use the opportunity around the corner to get to know our area of focus better and to get the first contacts in the field. We were positively received at the fair and met a lot of interesting companies, mostly from around Germany. We were both looking for new supply companies for our special storage containers as well as for disposal companies that might use our excrements as an energy source.
Next to our search for companies to partner with, we wanted to connect with people and find networks that could help us on our journey. We experienced very open doors and a lot of good conversations at the booth party of Unitechnics. A special “Thank you” goes to Daniel Jehring and Klaus Jilg, who both work for Unitechnics and are the host of “Abwassertalk” (a podcast on wastewater) for inviting us to join the party. First conversations are turning into partnerships.
It was a pleasure to meet people again at a fair and we thank everyone for the great experience.
We hope to see you all at the next IFAT in May 2024 and maybe we’ll be able to have our own booth by that time. To find it out, reflect on the toilet, save water, and join us for a better resource use!