Our perfect flush is their goal


Soccer games are more than just sports events. They have a significant impact on our daily routines, including water usage. During UEFA EURO 2024 in Germany, the Berlin Water Works (Berliner Wasserbetriebe) share fascinating patterns in water demand in Berlin.

For instance, during the Switzerland-Germany match on June 23rd, water usage peaked at around 35,000 m³/h at halftime. Then it fell and dropped to about 20,000 m³/h just before the end of the game. This pattern repeats for every game: demand decreases at kickoff, reaches the lowest point just before halftime, then spikes at halftime as fans rush to use the restroom. After halftime, usage drops again, only to rise sharply when the game ends.

Waterworks staff must monitor these changes closely to maintain optimal water pressure. This ensures that we, the soccer fans, can relieve ourselves without issues when the game’s tension breaks. So here’s a big shoutout and “thank you” to essential workers all across society who make sure that we can enjoy the excitement of the game – while they keep the systems running.

If you wonder how waterless toilets could be a game changer, get connected and join us for a better resource use.

Source: https://www.bwb.de/de/spuelanalyse.php

Photo: https://www.pexels.com/de-de/foto/flachbild-fernseher-1201996/
