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Unser Blog – Archive
Fast Fact Friday

Global risk report 2024

1,400 global risk experts shared their outlook on the risks in 2 and 10 years.  By the way, “natural resources shortage” is the 4th most likely risk for the 10 year period to come. At

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Fast Fact Friday

Potassium and 60 enzymes

60 enzymes within a plant system need potassium (K). By the way, K is one of the essential elements in plant growth, in line with

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Fast Fact Friday

Catalonia’s water shortage

40 months of rain shortage leads to water emergency in Catalonia.  By the way, it is winter season. That water is missing during summer times happens, but a water crisis in winter has never happened in this part of the world.   Source:

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Fast Fact Friday

Potassium in the Earth’s crust

2.6% of the weight of the Earth’s crust is Potassium (K).  By the way, it is the second most abundant nutrient in plant leaves just behind nitrogen (N). N, P (phosphorus) and K are

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Fast Fact Friday

Water security components

10 components make up water security.  By the way, the UN Water security assessment  comes at the half time mark of the Water Action Decade for Sustainable Development going from

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Fast Fact Friday

Westernmost point in Germany

5°51’59” E is the location of the westernmost point in Germany.  By the way, this point is called “Westzipfel”. Across the small creek Rodenbach is the most narrow part of the Netherlands.   Source:

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Fast Fact Friday

Drinks by the butler

15 alcoholic drinks are drunk by the butler in “Dinner for One”. By the way, it is four glasses of sherry, white wine and champagne

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Fast Fact Friday

Sold Christmas trees

29.8 million Christmas trees were sold in 2019 in Germany.   By the way, tomorrow is Christmas Eve. We hope you have all presents ready and will enjoy these holidays with your friends and families.   Source:,oder%20Wohnung%20ein%20geschm%C3%BCckter%20Baum.

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Fast Fact Friday

Candles on Advent wreath

3 candles will be lit up on Sunday on the Advent wreath. By the way, this year the Advent time is the shortest possible with

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Fast Fact Friday

3-3 rule of thumb

3-3 is a rule of thumb for normal bowel movements. By the way, this means that from 3 times per day to once every 3

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Fast Fact Friday

Santas reindeers

8 reindeer pull the sleigh of Santa Claus.   By the way, this is from the poem of Clement C. Moore, “A Visit from St. Nicholas” and the names of the reindeers are Dasher, Dancer, Prancer, Vixen, Comet and Cupid, and the final two Donner and Blitzen. Rudolph, the red-nosed reindeer, was added by Robert L. May and shows the way.   Source: Clement C. Moore –

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Fast Fact Friday

Aerosols exit from drainage

10 floors above would aerosols exit from the drainage.  By the way, when we flush the toilet, aersols will not only disperse in the room but also across the network of drainage pipes.  

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Fast Fact Friday

World Toilet Day 2023

November 19, is WorldToiletDay.   By the way, the United Nations declared it as an official UN day on July 24th 2013 in a General Assembly.

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Fast Fact Friday

Cougars – The gardener

94,000 plants are planted by cougars per year through their feces.  By the way, they are strictly carnivore and get the seeds from their prey – both animals not harming them while digesting.  Source:

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