In 2023 and 2024, a total of 12 different waterless toilets were installed in public spaces in Franconian Switzerland. The Bavarian Ministry of the Environment wants to test which concepts work well at hiking parking lots, in national parks, or in public spaces in general. After two years, the natural park Fränkische Schweiz will summarize its experiences and recommendations.
Although our toilets already comply with DIN 30762, the norm was not yet a benchmark for the various products. Instead, the natural park’s staff asked for tenders for different concepts from all over Europe. This was done in order to get to know the different approaches.
Two facilities from ABEREUS are involved in the project: in Ahorntal with a small house from us and in Rupprechtstegen with a locally built toilet house. The house in Rupprechtstegen also provides shelter from the rain.
Other facilities are for example provided by nowato and Raimund Schlenk. In the region, visitors can learn about toilets with conveyor belts or sawdust. They can also try out squat urinals for women, or simply continue their hike more relaxed because there are finally toilets at the side of the trail.
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