Our Toilet: Landersdorf


? Dive into the fascinating world of history and modern convenience! ?️ 

Ever wondered how our ancestors managed daily life without modern amenities? Take a journey with us to Landersdorf, nestled in the picturesque Altmühltal of Bavaria, where ancient history meets modern comfort. 

Explore the 3 meticulously reconstructed homes that span over millennia, from the Stone Age 5,000 years ago to the Bavarian settlers of the 6th century AD. Walk through time as you witness the evolution of housing technology, from simple wooden structures to sturdy wattle-and-daub cottages. 

But amidst the historical marvels, there’s a hidden gem – a modern toilet, quietly nestled between the parking lot and the first historical house. ? With its pristine tiled interior, efficient ventilation, and eco-friendly solar power, it’s a testament to blending convenience with heritage. 

Join us as we delve into the past and present of human habitation, and discover the joy of experiencing history while still enjoying modern comforts. ?? 

If you’re curious to learn more about this unique blend of past and present, get connected and join us for a better resource use. ?✨ 

