Der Toiletten Blog

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Unser Blog – Archive
Story Tuesday

More extreme weather conditions

In the face of our changing world, the correlation between climate change and extreme weather events is becoming increasingly clear. Phenomena such as heatwaves, heavy

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Story Tuesday
Flo Wackermann

Exercise and Your Digestion

Have you ever felt a bit queasy after a tough workout? You’re not alone! High-intensity exercise can sometimes leave your stomach feeling like it’s been

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Story Tuesday

All gender toilets at EURO 2024

The UEFA and DFB (German Football Association) are determined to set new sustainability standards with Euro 2024. Their vision is to create a sustainable football

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Story Tuesday

IFAT 2024

At the mid of May one of the biggest and leading trade fairs for water, sewage, waste and raw materials management in the world took

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Story Tuesday
Flo Wackermann

Our toilet: Wildniswerkstatt Düttling

Today, we’re thrilled to unveil another gem from our collection: the toilets at “Wildniswerkstatt Düttling”! ?️ Situated within the serene beauty of the Nationalpark Eifel,

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Story Tuesday

New toilets in Amsterdam

In Amsterdam, there has been a shortage of public toilets for women, leading to a recent initiative to address this issue. After years of advocacy

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Story Tuesday

Summary of “KARL”

The European Council of Member States and the European Parliament have reached an agreement to revise guidelines for the treatment of urban wastewater, in German

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Story Tuesday

Water scarcity in Lima

The migration from rural areas to the overcrowded capital, Lima, is increasing as water becomes a luxury for many residents. Volunteers aim to alleviate this

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